Research Director and Professor – CNRS, École Polytechnique de Paris & Université de Genève
Pierre-Jean Benghozi has an initial scientific education in engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and is graduated, additionally, in Management studies (PhD) and Economic (Priv.- Doz). He is now Research Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), professor at the École Polytechnique (Paris) where he headed up the Centre for Management and Economic Research and also founded and been in charge of the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair. He is former professor at Geneva University (Geneva School of Economic and Management, and was Commissioner at the French Electronic Communications and Postal Services Regulatory national Authority (ARCEP). In addition to his academic activities and public responsibilities, he co-chairs the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) an international network that have brought together more than 1,500 researchers, academics, students and practitioners from more than 50 countries and participates in the publication of the International Journal of Arts Management.
Pierre-Jean Benghozi developed, since the early eighties, pioneering research unit and programs on Information Technology, Telecommunications, Media and Culture. His recent projects draw attention to the development and uses of digital infrastructures, the structuring of ITC-supported markets and supply chains, the characterization of competitive business models, and the resulting regulation issues expressly in creative industries. Pierre-Jean Benghozi publishes on these topics more than 200 academic international publications. Board member of scientific committee in highest French institutions and numerous international scientific conferences and academic journals, Pierre-Jean Benghozi taught regularly in major Universities and is frequently requested as an expert by public bodies and private organizations.